What excuse do you have that stops you from meditating? Is it, “I don’t have time,” or “I can’t focus,” or “I can’t sit still,” or “There are too many thoughts in my head”?
Why is it that we will sit behind the wheel of a vehicle and put ourselves into the chaos of traffic, but putting ourselves into the chaos of our thoughts is too scary?
If we are afraid of our minds and ourselves, we then live in fear of others and the world we live in. One of the main reasons why I teach meditation is to assist people in relinquishing the fears that limits them so they can see that underneath all fear is their own divinity.
Meditation is the most transformative tool that I have been practicing and teaching now for 25 years. Every sage or prophet became who they are through the power of meditation. You embody what you constantly think about, so if you want to embody the higher vibrational energies above the line, then I suggest meditation.
In meditation, you become the observer of your thoughts instead of engaging in them. Meditation is about being. Meditation connects you to your Divine Mind, to your higher intelligence.
When you meditate, you enter the theta state. It is known that learning is accelerated when you are in a trance-like state. Meditation leads the way to whole brain thinking which is the integration of both left and right hemispheres. This integration opens the doors of perception, allowing higher information to active your wellness cells in your bod. Becoming more mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions will also inspire you toward a higher expression of character.
Think you do not have time? If you have time to watch a thirty-minute television show, you have time to meditate.
Think you do not know how to do it right? There is no right or wrong way to meditate. If you feel resistance to meditation, it’s because you’re afraid to discover what’s in your mind. Meditation will guide you to discover the secrets to overcoming your fear.
When you meditate for long periods of time, images will appear; sometimes a sequence of images, just like a movie, will cross the screen of your mind. These images are like billboards, offering you guidance on your journey. It is here you receive all the answers to your questions.
To manifest what you want in this world, you cannot just sit and wait for it. You need to take inspired action! Action includes physical and mental action, emotional responses, and spiritual disciplines that lead to a desired outcome. If you take action from a place of fear or are constantly pushing to make something happen you may be disappointed with your results.
Below is a simple guideline for people who are new to meditation. I highly recommend a silent meditation, which allows you to explore and be the observer of your thoughts. This meditation is not about quieting the mind—that takes greater practice. There is no goal here. Just sit and be. Take approximately fifteen minutes to do this exercise.
1) Preparation: Light a candle, turn off the lights, phone, computer, and television. If you live with others, communicate your intentions so you will not be disturbed.
2) Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor. Relax your arms on the top of your thighs with palms facing up.
3) Now close your eyes.
4) Take three slow deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly through your nose.
5) Keep your focus on your breath.
6) Observe your thoughts and sit in silence for fifteen minutes.
7) If your thoughts become too overwhelming, say, “Thank you” to your thoughts and let them pass by. Return the focus to your breath.
8) Sit and listen to the silence that’s around you.
Congratulations! You’re meditating and on the way to transforming your mind, soul, body, and life.
Meditation is known to reduce stress, enhance concentration and heighten clarity in solving problems. For this reason, many business executives (and celebrities in above video) are tuning into the many benefits that meditation offers.
Leaders are known for making quick decisions. Enlightened leaders meditate first before making any decision. They let their Brilliant Self guide them in making the best possible choices that will serve everyone as they connect to their heart, values, and the principles that guide their lives. Whenever you are asked to make a decision, you can say, “I will meditate on the answer, and I will let you know my decision in 24 hours.”
Today’s Higher Idea: Practice the above meditation every morning to start your day refreshed and in alignment with who you are. You are the creator of your schedule, so it is important to take time for you and awaken to your spirituality.
If you need help. meditate with me below!