It is up to YOU to RECHARGE your life!
We are crossing the bridge into a new reality and if you are seeking answers on how to navigate through this transitional time and become the best version of you, schedule a Discovery Session Today
You are either living in RESISTANCE or saying yes to GROWTH. Your comfort zone and growth cannot coexist. You choose one or the other.
We are entering unknown territory and any time we step into the unknown, we can feel overwhelmed, suffer from stress or anxiety. We are being called to breakthrough old habits and patterns that we have been indoctrinated in and move through the eye of the needle into a new reality.
If you are reading this, you are ready for a BREAK THROUGH. Learning breakthrough tools and inner leadership strategies is how you transform your doubts, struggles and therefore your life so you have more clarity, make powerful decisions and have a higher level of ENERGY to follow your soul's path.
Any time you seek growth, fear rises up! Most people do not realize that, the energy underlying anxiety, depression, stress, stagnation, loneliness, etc is FEAR. Fear is an energy in your body that is designed to hold you back from living an authentic lifestyle. It is based on a subconscious program that you may not be aware of, such as fear of what others think, fear of change, fear of an uncertain future, fear of being found out, or fear of not being good enough.
You see, anytime you are going to choose something that will drastically expand your life, your mind tries to talk you out of it, so that you stay the same.
My Breakthrough Coaching program empowers you to move beyond the Ego (fearful) mind so you can become the best version of you.
There are SKILLS that once learned can advance your life in all areas.
That's why I created an in-depth, transformational program.
Who Am I?

I am Karen of the Klassen Family. My passion is teaching life mastery skills and positive psychology so that you can experience a more fulfilling, prosperous and happier life. I have a passion for facilitating transformation that does not have to take years. The power of commitment to being the "BEST I CAN BE" every day is a skill and developing it will profoundly change your life.
As a Breakthrough Coach and Leadership Facilitator focusing on life, community and relationship transitions for over 20 years, I have heard every story (there is nothing that surprises me) from extreme loss, anger issues, abuse, addictions, depression to witnessing incredible transformation with every beautiful soul.
It is those who have said yes to making the commitment to change their life and follow a new path that I love working with. I have created a powerful and effective step by step process that empowers you to be the best version of yourself so you can experience true happiness, fulfillment and have greater meaning in your life.
Who Are You?
It has been my great privilege to coach a wide variety of men and women over the last 20 years. I have worked with individuals from ages 15 to 74. I work with individuals or couples.
You are here to go beyond the role you have been playing and connect to the sovereign soul within. I am here to help you regain control and get to the greatest level of fulfillment.
I work with those who are seeking a breakthrough to:
- discover what is next with more courage.
- reduce stress and overwhelm.
- release guilt and shame for mistakes made in the past
- from feeling stuck to knowing the direction you want to take.
- transition out of an unfulfilling relationship into real love.
- experiencing deeper commitment and love in your existing relationship
- move out of lack or money issues to living in prosperity
- dissolving depression, doubts and fears that have held you back to feeling more empowered
- feeling more respect and appreciation in ALL your relationships.
- feeling more energized so you can do what you love.
- experiencing your own spiritual fulfillment.
Here is what people are saying...

I met and worked with Karen when I was going through a very turbulent and stressful time in my life... the settlement of an acrimonious divorce and the selling and moving from my 20 year family home. I was filled with feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness. It was all consuming and affecting all my relationships. But just as importantly, if not more, it was affecting my well-being, physically, emotionally and mentally. It was a downward spiral.
Through using Karen's unique, Divine Mind Conversation process, with her guidance and protection, I was able to properly process and release all the negative emotions I'd been holding onto... not just throughout my divorce action... but my entire life! I was completely unaware of how events I'd experienced as a child had shaped me and were continuing to steer my life direction... in a negative way! Through deep work I was also able to unearth and heal past traumas that I'd buried and denied. I healed myself and in so doing, I healed relationships that had been fractured a long time. I can say with complete honesty that I am FINALLY living my life in absolute HAPPINESS and AUTHENTICALLY, for the first time ever.

While coaching with Karen, she took me through a process she calls, the Divine Mind Conversation in order to face some very serious challenges in my life and in supporting my desire to grow through those challenges. Karen did a masterful job of guiding me through this process, encouraging me when I felt extremely overwhelmed and also high-fiving me when I completed successful sessions. I had incredible breakthroughs which helped open up and heal things from my far past which were still holding control over me. I know this is very much due to the fantastic process which Karen put me through. I will be forever grateful.

Karen has a true gift in guiding meditation creating inner peace. Completely enlightening in many levels. Karen has helped me discover a burning desire for more spiritual connection within my soul! Karen has shown me my strengths and has taught me to love myself. Karen has allowed me to see my self worth. I have become empowered and I believe I am worthy of all greatness. I have set boundaries which has enriched my relationships personally and professionally. Karen has guided me in seeing the potential with my business for 30 years; taken it to the next level; continual growth with new, healthy changes.....I have been completely blessed and privileged being coached by Karen.

Karen has been one of the women in my life that has a strong intuition and understood me from the time we met. She came into my life at the perfect moment where I was search to reach that next vibrational level in stepping up in my personal life which ended up being intertwined with my business life; where I was choosing to live above the line and seeking new levels that I did not see initially. It led me to become ready to tell my story in the, I AM a Brilliant Woman Vol.3 book, allowed me let go of a toxic relationship that brought me down in all aspects of my life to learning how to unplug and release what no longer serves me. She had me discover aspects about myself that was hindering me from where I wanted to be and the person that I want to show up in the world as. I feel that after working with Karen I am now able to attract a man that is worthy of being with me and have clarity on the type of man I am wanting to attract. Seems simple but was quite a deep dive journey. Thank you Karen for your friendship and dedication. What a journey it has been!

Financial Advisor/
Raymond James
Coaching with Karen was a life changing experience for me. It is difficult to put into words all the places that coaching intersected with and transformed different areas of my life. I sought out a coach because I knew I was at a point in my life where I was looking for change, but I had no idea the level of change that could happen in 6 months of working with Karen. I experienced immense positive transformation in my relationships and I started paying attention to areas in my life that I had not been nurturing or giving time and attention to. And the result is that I am now able to show up as my best self when it comes to my priorities of being a parent and business owner. Karen has a gift, and she shares it with the world as a coach. The methods used and ideas she presented in our sessions were brilliant! Her level of experience and knowledge as a coach come through in every session and communication. I am forever grateful to Karen as she truly had an impact and she changed my life. Thank you Karen!!!
I was not focused. I was unhappy and sliding into the proverbial black hole of self doubt and regret. When I met Karen I had a special sense that she was brought to me to help and so I signed up to Karen's Coaching Program. Within a few sessions, Karen introduced me to her Divine Mind Conversation Process and I began to feel myself rising up and out of my unhealthy dark place. I began to feel lighter, happier and really excited about my business again. I would highly recommend Karen as a coach. I feel free and empowered.

How on earth do you do it?!! How can I ever, ever ever thank you for CHANGING MY LIFE!? You totally (non-stop) B L O W - M E - A W A Y with your tools and teaching...that quite 'honestly' I can't seem to get enough words... or the exact right words to express that! My throat is all all choked up...but nothing like I want to say it out loud. WHAT IS BURSTING FORTH...(you amazing woman you) is how much gratitude that I have in almost every cell of my being. ..it is just too much to express. My plan is to eventually tell everyone I know...about YOU and your program; period! YOU just keep going Girl! Just keep putting it out there and keep helping women (like ME) and setting them free! Thank you to the dearest most amazing woman (I believe) on the planet!

Karen said she could take me "from here to there". I figured all I had to do was to be open, committed and let the rest happen. And it did. My journey with Karen was transforming to say the least. I learned how to connect with ME and for the first time in my life I felt grounded in myself, my power, my truth, my future. And I manifested the perfect JOB! If you're yearning for something "bigger" in your life...whatever that may be...let Karen take you there. Do the work and I promise you the miracles will follow. Thank you Karen!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how much I appreciated all of our sessions and how you taught me how to raise my vibration level!! It's all because of you!!!!

Coaching with Karen has been life changing! I knew from the moment I met her, I couldn’t afford to not coach with her. She was a breath of fresh air into a life I felt had little merit nor purpose. Karen illuminated my soul, turning my world into one of beauty and true love. I will be forever grateful.”

I have huge gratitude in my heart for you and all you have done for me. For your generosity and support and inspiration, I am in awe. Your work led me to some great truths for my business, but also for myself. You guided me to a higher vibration and thus igniting my inner wisdom, and the courage to follow it. Things are now unfolding for me and I have presence in all areas of my life. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with you. I will forever be in anticipation of the next brilliant spark that you will offer the world. ~ With so much gratitude!
Signature Program
Smart People Hire a Coach
The most successful people in the world hire a coach. The best time to hire a coach is in times of stress and you are not sure what steps to take.
I am very selective in who I work with as my clients. If you want to live a prosperous, stress free, fulfilling life and make true change happen you must be willing to invest in yourself and in your future.
My Signature program is my Breakthrough Program. We define what it is you want and my promise is to guide you there to make it a reality. You deserve the best. This is an exciting journey and I would be honoured to be a part of this phase in your life.
What is Breakthrough Coaching?
There are 10 areas in life that we all want to feel a sense of achievement such as financial, health, relationships, home, personal growth, spiritual, family, exercise, contribution, and socially. My Signature Breakthrough Program gives you the tools and practices required to breakthrough in one or all the categories above depending what you want to focus on.
Relationship Breakthrough
The time of silent treatments, blaming each other, yelling and abuse is over. You are here to rise up in all your relationships. When you see your beloved elevating to higher levels its in your best interest to get on board and mirror those changes within yourself. Nothing separates souls more than evolution. When you are not a vibrational match it is not personal…it’s spiritual.
This program is designed to empower you in ANY relationship whether you want to heal and transform the relationships with your parents, past partners, family or step into a new empowering relationship. Every relationship is designed to encourage, inspire and uplift. If you are using an old relationship model that your parents used (based on power struggle ) it will not work for you. You are evolving and it is time for your relationships to evolve along with you. The foundation of this coaching program is based on the Evolution of Relationships Model, where I will show you the Five Cycles and then how to move through each cycle so that you can experience more respect, kindness, sexual bliss, connection, adoration and love. You are being called to rise up into the Divine Feminine/Masculine Energies and as you do, you open yourself up to learning Heart to Heart Communication Skills.
Emotional and Mental Breakthrough
Everyone needs to develop the important skills of emotional and mental mastery. Emotional and mental mastery are key elements that define success. We all have the capacity to develop mastery over our thoughts and emotions and when we do we grow and thrive. Those who keep themselves stuck in a constant state of survival mode are stressed, exhausted and experience conflict in their relationships. We need to develop emotional mastery because life is miserable without it! Without self mastery, we react impulsively to situations and people, we procrastinate and get distracted. I’ve seen business owners derail their projects, lose staff and customers and even lose their entire business because they could not manage their emotions and reactive behaviour. When you learn to master yourself, you have focus and your performance improves. Your effectiveness improves and you become more efficient allowing you to accomplish more in less time. And when you practice mental and emotional mastery consistently, all areas of your life improves, you feel happier and optimistic.
Spiritual Breakthrough
Many leaders today are embracing meditation and seeking to discover a deeper part of themselves. Spirituality is about expanding your awareness of who you really are and embracing your own inner brilliance. This is for you if you're ready to let go of a painful past and step forward into your destiny. Within everyone is a "Higher Version" of themselves. I will guide you through a unique process to awaken you to your own "soul's calling", so you can live with greater purpose and fulfillment. You are on this earth to spiral up from being a disempowered man/woman to embracing and integrating your divine masculine/feminine energy.
Prosperity Breakthrough
You were born to be prosperous. Living in lack is a fear based mindset that has been programmed into the subconscious mind from your parents, television and society in general. It is time to shift your limited beliefs and integrate an abundant mindset and a new empowered way of living.
Something extraordinary happens when you dramatically increase the focus, intention and commitment and bring these qualities into your life, work and relationships.
Many people seek freedom without knowing how to jump-start such a major change in their lives. They generally waste energy on false starts or take a few steps in the right direction, only to find that old habits and conditioning pull them back to where they began, or very close to that. Most people are frozen by fear, distraction, and uncertainty.
It is time to Face Everything And Rise!

Coaching is an investment - an investment in YOU and in your future.
Life is asking all of us to evolve. If we do not do it on our own... life will force us though tragedy, trauma and drama. This is unnecessary pain and suffering. Learn the skills you need and create the life you desire on your terms!
I promise that what you pay I will give back ten fold in value. This program is designed to activate your inner brilliance so you can set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting. I only work with clients who are committed to creating positive results and living a happy and fulfilling life.
Apply for your Complimentary Discovery Session Today!