I met an angel in disguise at Safeway.

Have you ever been approached by a homeless person and pretended they weren’t there? Did you ignore their presence and continue on your way?  The next time you are approached and asked to give money I would like for you to open up to a new experience.  You may be surprized with the outcome.  I was.

I had just finished shopping at Safeway and as I walked through the “Out” door in the direction of my vehicle, a scruffy faced man wearing a torn shirt and a tattered overcoat said with a smile, “Do you have any money you can spare?” At first I was going to say my usual line of, “No, I give in many ways.” However; this time I was divinely guided to open up to him. I stopped and turned to face him and said, “Yes, I do. I will give you money if you share with me your words of wisdom.” He looked at me puzzled and replied, “I don’t have any wisdom.” I smiled and then repeated, “I will give you  money when you share with me your words of wisdom.” He looked away for a moment, then his eyes met mine and he said without hesitation, “Do what you need to do for you and the rest will follow.”  Well!!  I had truth bumps go up and down my spine. My whole body tingled. My eyes widen as these words were exactly what I needed to hear.  My Higher Self opened my eyes for me to see that we are not strangers. I felt a sense of oneness. That he was buy provigil not lost. That he did not need to be fixed, healed, or changed.  I then said to this angel before me who stood in his earthly disguise, “Thank you. You are a brilliant man.” I then gave him his money. He nodded with a knowing smile and walked away.

The next time a homeless person asks you for money, ask them to share their wisdom with you in exchange. I would love to hear the wisdom you receive.

Divine messangers are all around us if we choose to see beyond the illusion.

Karen Klassen

Hello I am Karen Klassen. I have the ability to show you how to fall in love with who you are by breaking the chains around your heart so you can live a prosperous and fulfilling life. Together we RISE!

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Farhana - April 28, 2011

I love this Karen… these are true connection moments.
My children love giving to the homeless…we buy socks in bulk, have foldable raincoats and water bottles in the trunk. And they get excited at the opportunity to give.
They know though that the true gift comes from looking into the other persons eyes and making connection. Invariably they will always talk about the kindness, warmth or love they felt from the other persons eyes. Yes, connection is rich.

brent - December 10, 2011

you know an angel when they approach you if you are listening. they have a message for you if you are listening

    your enlightened love coach - December 11, 2011

    You are absolutely right Brent.. We need to be open to receiving the divine message. Abundant blessings to you.

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