Category Archives for Personal Growth

Fear or Love? The Choice is Yours.

We All want Love. To feel love. To be loved.
So why are we so afraid of love? Why are we so afraid of each other when love has the power to set us free from negativity and limiting beliefs. Love has the power to remove self doubt and fill us with knowingness. Loving our moments frees us from from the ties that hold us back. In the realm of love we have the freedom to express and be who we want to be.
Yet, we are afraid of this powerful force that moves through us. To answer these questions there is one thing we must remember. We live in a world made of energy and thought vibrations which express themselves in our physical world. It is important to understand that the duality of life is expressed in either dark (fear) or light (love) vibrations. We either vibrate in fear based vibrations such as ~ stress, anger, manipulation, greed, sadness, scarcity, depression, loneliness, addiction, depression, jealousy, illness etc. Or we vibrate in love based vibrations such as ~ freedom, peace, joy, compassion, bliss, truth, oneness, health, abundance and the list goes on.
So the question remains …….  WHERE DO YOU VIBRATE IN LIFE ~ Fear or Love?
The answer is clear when you get real with how you feel about your life as it is right now. Are you discouraged, frustrated or stressed? If so I invite you to feel into your body, into the energy that moves through you and witness the sensations, the tenseness, tightness, resistance. Breathe deeply into your belly. This is fear and it is ok to be here. You just don’t want to stay here.
Or maybe you’re at the other end of the spectrum and have tuned into the vibration of love. Are you feeling the energy of appreciation and gratitude for where you are? Do you see that each situation or challenge offers you the opportunity to be a better human being?
I invite you to share with me what love means to you and where you’re vibrating in your life ~ fear or love? And remember, there is no right or wrong answer. It is a good place to start.
Karen Klassen
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