Humanity is on a Journey Beyond the Familiar.

Are you prepared?

Until you realize your spiritual nature you will always have fear.  

If you do not know how you feel you do not know yourself. 

And if you do not know yourself you will be enslaved.

- Karen Klassen 

The Together We Rise - A Path To Self-Governance is an online course that you can take at your own pace. As you learn the skills shared here, you can take a quantum leap in activating your Life Force energy so you can live above the line, above the fear and chaos.  

This means you can no longer avoid, deny, or resist change!

You are here to be the Creditor and Authority of your life.

The control structure and systems you live in are designed to keep you living below the line so that you do not discover your true power. It is meant to keep you dormant and distracted. 

To experience your innate power you must spiral up and LIVE ABOVE THE LINE!

In the Together We Rise Course there are 7 Modules that will assist you in spiralling up. 


 Preparing for Transition

In matters of the material world, you may be feeling uncertainty about the future. You can be overly concerned with your survival which can create tension and stress in the body. Here you will learn:

  1. How to Step Out of the Matrix Programming  - From fear based beliefs to feeling empowered.
  2. Discover Where You are on the Wheel of Life.
  3. Power of Completion - How to let go of what you no longer need.
  4. Discover the Power of the Divine Mind Conversation 

Govern Your Mind

You are here to rise up in mind! This control matrix you live in is designed to keep you stressed and enslaved in a belief system that resonates in a lower frequency. In this phase, you will get an in-depth understanding of where your thoughts stem from.  Governing means to control. Instead of others controlling you, you are here to learn how to control your own mind so you no longer react to people, authority or situations.  You will discover:

  1. Master Your Past -  Your past is Stored Memories. Learn How to Upgrade your Memories.
  2. Transform Negative Beliefs - The Dystopian World View to Creating Heaven on Earth
  3. How to Live Above The Line in the Freedom Frequency


Govern Your Emotions

You are here to rise up in emotions as they hold incredible power.  They are energy in motion. Humanity has not been taught how to harness the raw voltage within. Here you learn how develop skills in:

  1. The true reality of F.E.A.R. - Face Everything And Rise!
  2. Harness Your Anger with a Powerful Three Step Process
  3. How Your Emotions are a Guidance System
  4. Reconnect to Your Inner Child to Heal the Past
  5. Protection Prayer

Ignite Your Heart's Intelligence

The negative forces are afraid of one thing. LOVE! This is your SUPERPOWER! Many people yearn for love yet are afraid of it due to the programming of "love hurts" or "love causes pain". This is so not true. It is our disconnection from love that causes pain. Connecting to brilliant power within your heart is key to rising up. Love is your natural state, however, sometimes family members or friends can trigger wounds, which can keep you trapped in lower realities of suffering and stuck in an never-ending disempowerment loop. Here you will:

  1. Discover Your Heart Intelligence and its Electromagnetic Field
  2. How to Process the Grief as many souls will be leaving this realm.
  3. How to Process the Intense Betrayal Due to the Manipulation of this Reality. 
  4. A Template to Remove All Curses

Express Your Sovereignty 

Sovereignty is the capacity to be the exclusive authority of your own mind, your emotions, your body and your life. That’s essentially what sovereignty is. Here you will learn:

  1. How to Reclaim Your Crown  - Your Rightful Status!
  2. How to Stand in Your Own Authority through Natural Law.
  3. How to have Uncomfortable Conversations and Own Your Power.

Unplug From the Sick Care System 

You are here to remember that you have a self who is pure HEALTH.  This matrix has us believing that we need a doctor to take care of us and give us pharmaceutical drugs ( the word pharmacist means "purveyor of poison). In this course, you be shown your unique timeline on how to release the poisons from your systems. Here you will be introduced to:

  1. Discover the Part of you that Craves Toxic Food and Why
  2. Tune into the Healing Intelligence of your Body through Ancient Energy Practices. 
  3. Powerful Steps to Heal the Body 


Living Your Soul Purpose

You are either allowing others to create your future or you are taking responsibility to step into your Soul Purpose. The role (job, career) you have now, may not be available in the years to come. It is time to discover and dive into your true purpose.  Here you will learn powerful practices on:

  1. Remember Why You Came to This Earth 
  2. Define your Skills and Abilities to Serve in the New Earth.
  3. Discover What Energy is Required for Manifestation Powers
  4. How to Align With Your Prosperity Birthright

"There is no world that will be comfortable enough, peaceful enough, kind enough to make one feel okay about themselves. One can never achieve that goal. All we can do is to come to terms with our own inner wounds and metabolize those energies into consciousness. That shadow work actually heals the individual and heals the entire culture because it dwindles the energy from the victim-victor cycle we project out into the world."

                                                                                                        - Dr. Jordan Peterson

About the Facilitator

Karen of the Klassen Family

I am proof that anyone no matter who they are can live above the line. I have gone from being on welfare to having my own successful business, from drug and alcohol addictions to living a healthy life, from chronic pain, depression, allergies to healing my body completely and from abusive relationships to living in a higher love. We all have the power if we have the willingness to take the journey beyond the familiar. 

I am dedicated to empowering those who are ready, to expand their capacity of "being worthy of all good things" and to know they are not alone on the journey. 

I am an inspirational speaker, a Certified Facilitator, and a Breakthrough Coach. I am an author of 5 Amazon Bestselling books, Living in the Freedom Frequency and the I AM a Brilliant Woman series. For over 20 years, I have empowered couples, individuals and business owners to cultivate their own inner authority so they can live above the line. 


What People are saying about this course

Now I know why my Soul directed me to sign up. I have learned so much about myself and am working daily with creating from above the line. I feel very blessed to have you as my teacher and I thank you with all my heart for all that you have taught me.  Everyone needs to take this course.  It is life changing.

Carole Westmacott

Together We Rise is a course for anyone or everyone. Karen’s knowledge of mind and body is exceptional. I learned how to meditate and Qigong, and the meditation I’ve now been doing on a daily basis. This was my first step to achieving a higher consciousness.

Grant Kitzul

When Karen advertised her program last summer, I sensed right away it would be important for me to take. I was newly single and starting life on my own at 69. I was already grieving and felt sure I needed to make some changes and learn how to navigate the times ahead. Participants of this program will learn practical exercises and daily practices to reconnect with body, mind and spirit that build resilience, strengthen commitment to our life purpose, overcome limiting beliefs and identify self-sabotaging patterns that dampen the fire inside. And above all, learn to trust our higher power/higher self to guide us on the way. Once we do that, we are free to choose how we want to feel. Or as Karen says, we live life above the line.

Dailaan Shaffer

The main reason I am joined this group is: We are missing community and this platform not only provides that but teaches us about ourselves and our inner workings and it  provides a safe space for people to share.. I think people need to find other people that are like minded and they need to feel that they belong. Karen is an excellent facilitator for this. I really look forward to the weekly meditations and the benefits of that.. When I did my first class I knew I would try to do as many as I can. I really think this is what is needed at a time like this. 

Betsy Swain

Karen’s Together We Rise program is simply amazing! Thought provoking, healing, and definitely a way to shift perspectives for much more of a whole healing approach. Karen is a compassionate listener and patient as she allows you to create the self awareness necessary to make real change within yourself and not just give you her opinion & thoughts right away. Her meditations are game changers too! Highly recommend anyone that is looking for elevating their souls level of consciousness and wanting a more peaceful and fulfilled life. 

Tannis  Stuckless

Being part of Together We Rise is being part of the solution not the problem. In a world of uncertainty it is comforting to be connected with other souls longing for a brighter future. 

Denise Temple

Through using Karen's unique, Divine Mind Conversation process, with her guidance and protection, I was able to properly process and release all the negative emotions I'd been holding onto... not just throughout my divorce action... but my entire life!  I was completely unaware of how events I'd experienced as a child had shaped me and were continuing to steer my life direction... in a negative way!  Through deep work I was also able to unearth and heal past traumas that I'd buried and denied. I healed myself and in so doing, I healed relationships that had been fractured a long time. I can say with complete honesty that I am FINALLY living my life in absolute HAPPINESS and AUTHENTICALLY, for the first time ever.

Norma Maxwell

What incredible sessions….!!!! It literally brings me to tears.  I feel incredibly blessed to have been a part of this journey with you. I have such gratitude for your being.

Theresa Knelsen

The TRUTH is, you have the POWER inside of you to do this!  You are here to lighten up from the lower mind programming and live the life you are here to live as a sovereign being. 

We are in the age of "Enlightenment". Enlightenment is about "lightening UP emotionally" so that heavy negative energies no longer keep you trapped in the lower realms of fear and enslavement. 

We can ALL benefit from knowing how to transform FEAR into love and integrate our authentic POWER. Knowing how to transform from fear-based reactivity into an ability to stand firm in your own power will go on to serve you for the rest of your life.

We are in a COMPLETION Cycle.

You are here to learn how to LET GO of the old world and embrace the new earth that is HERE.  There is so much information coming to the surface and it can cause a lot of overwhelm, anger, disappointment, and exhaustion. The truth is, you do not need MORE information  What you need is a process that shows you how to FOCUS on the Here and NOW and that is what I lead you through.  

How the Journey Works:

In the Together We Rise Online Course you will...

  • Receive 7 modules which are yours forever.
  • Receive 20+ hours of content that you can go through at your own pace.
  • Receive 3 monthly Live Group Coaching Calls with Karen Klassen

If you've found your way here, you are ready to spiral up out of this lower reality and live in the freedom frequency of life. This is also an opportunity to discover what is next for you. As you rise up, you assist the collective in rising up. This is how important you are. Embracing and integrating your innate power is key to your evolution.  This is a journey we are on together. Your ego may not agree with everything but there will be that ONE defining moment that changes your life in profound ways. Just one shift in thought can transform everything. You have the power to create a new timeline for you, your family and the world.

Your Energy The teacher can show e 

The Together We Rise Online Course was originally $2500

 Life Force Canada Members

Only $999


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The Teacher Can Only Show You the Door You Must Walk Through