Higher Idea #2 – Get Real With Where You Are

Our ego is the one that stops us from seeking newness.
It is our spirit that says yes to viewing life from a different perspective.

In order to spiral up in life and tune into your destiny, it’s important to get real with where you are right now. Get real with where you are financially, in your relationships, environment, health, spirituality, family and career. This means defining for yourself what you want, what you really need and what you really desire. In order to know where you want to go in life, you first need to know where you are.

If you want to experience the freedom to be who you are, you will need to create your personal foundation. I highly recommend you build your foundation on truth. The energy of truth must go deep if you want your life to rise up. If your foundation is built on shaky ground filled with fear, deception and doubt, your life will come tumbling down like a deck of cards. No matter what you have done or not done, start now and get real with what is. Let today be your starting point.

Today’s Higher Idea: Take a moment and write what you are ready to get real with. Write! Write! Write! Do not edit your thoughts. Allow for full expression and face the truth. Putting your mind on paper will set you free.  I would love for you to share one thing your ready to get real with.

Karen Klassen

Hello I am Karen Klassen. I have the ability to show you how to fall in love with who you are by breaking the chains around your heart so you can live a prosperous and fulfilling life. Together we RISE!

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Eileen - February 23, 2011

Karen so true about getting real. The other day I had a realization that I am not as giving as I perceive myself to be. Ouch to the ego. There have been times in the past when I have given for approval, to be liked, etc which was conditional. Growth has brought awareness that giving for the wrong reason is taking. This realization was also another opportunity to stay aware and clear with if I am honouring myself in this instance of giving. What I am learning is being real also means staying in integrity with myself. Keep spreading your light and love!

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